Re: Gimnasia artística
41Nam in omni adversitate fortunæ infelicissimum est genus infortunii fuisse felicem
If I were Mykayla, I would have posted a video that said, "I just wanted to pop on here and say a huge congratulations to all the gymnasts who participated in the Olympics this year. I know firsthand how much hard work and dedication it takes to perform at that level and under those bright lights. I was wrong for saying anything otherwise and I fully accept that I may have damaged and hurt people by my words and actions. I am working on improving myself, which is why I have not posted anything during the gymnastics competition, so as not to distract from all the gymnasts' amazing accomplishments or to draw any attention from them to me. Once again, I am so proud of all the gymnasts, their hard work, and talent and hope everyone continues to give them full support when they return home and recuperate, relax, or really do whatever they want."
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