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Re: Meghan Markle

A mi lo que me parece feo es que hayan seguido adelante con la entrevista teniendo al abuelo ingresado. Está claro que estaba pactada de hace tiempo (coincidiendo con el final de su periodo de prueba fuera de la familia real), pero aun así, me parece de mal gusto.

Re: Meghan Markle

Creéis que ha sido intencionado? yo me imagino que el emblema no lo habrán decidido en estas dos semanas, creo que se ha dado la casualidad de que hubo polémica con la palabra y ya está.

El príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle le lanzan una 'pullita' a Buckingham Palace a través de Archewell

Una coyuntura que los duques han querido aprovechar para mandar un recado a la monarquía en la presentación pública de su página web definitiva, en la que se ha conocido el logo con el trabajarán en su organización, así como el lema bajo cuyos preceptos pondrán todos sus esfuerzos.

Y son precisamente en estas palabras en las que Harry y Meghan han puesto toda la carne en el asador, puesto que al emblema le rodean cuatro vocablos significativos: "Acción. Comunidad. Servicio. Compasión". Y aunque puedan parecer inofensivas, hay un detalle que ha hecho pensar a muchos de sus seguidores que hay una pequeña pulla incluida.

Porque tras los últimos acontecimientos, desde el palacio de la monarca se emitió un comunicado en el que se aseguraba que para el príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle no era posible "continuar con las responsabilidades y deberes que conlleva una vida de servicio público".

Los duques de Sussex contrarrestaron el escrito afirmando que ellos sí que seguían "continuar con las responsabilidades y deberes que conlleva una vida de servicio público", y es precisamente ese "servicio" con el que han dejado claro que no solo siendo miembros activos de la monarquía se puede utilizar una posición privilegiada para favorecer al resto.

Asimismo, Harry y Meghan han tomado otra decisión estética (y también formal): han optado por cambiar la fotografía que presidía hasta ahora el sitio web, en la que aparecían Lady Di junto al príncipe Harry, reemplazando esto por una explicación de cuál quieren que sea la misión de Archewell. ... toref=true

Re: Meghan Markle

Lilo has visto que piden al daily mail 750K libras en 14 dias por costes legales y otras 750K más tarde?

Y también quieren un % de las ventas del daily.

Por otro lado, el daily mail va a recurrir a la sentencia del otro dia.

Re: Meghan Markle

Sage escribió: 02 Mar 2021, 14:52 @Lilo has visto que piden al daily mail 750K libras en 14 dias por costes legales y otras 750K más tarde?

Y también quieren un % de las ventas del daily.

Por otro lado, el daily mail va a recurrir a la sentencia del otro dia.
Enserio? :faint: bueno con los abogados que tienen ya puede costar eso, al Daily mail le ha salido caro el tema! yo creo que publicar la carta fue cruzar una línea roja y se lo han buscado, pero no entiendo que te pongas como una furia por eso pero luego te vayas con Oprah a contar tus penas, o mandes a un amigo para que hable por ti con los autores del libro, entonces que te molesta? que expongan tu vida privada o que no tengas el control sobre lo que se expone?

Re: Meghan Markle

Hombre, nadie tiene derecho a publicar sobre ti sin tu consentimiento y menos cosas privadas como una carta, luego tú puedes hacer lo que te dé la gana con tu vida. Yo en ese sentido les entiendo, porque vayan a un programa a contar sus patoaventuras no quiere decir que tengan que comulgar con ruedas de molino y menos con algo así. La mayoría de veces en una pérdida de tiempo y de dinero andar a la gresca con la prensa, es mejor ignorar pero hay otras poquitas veces que se debe ir a por ellos. Y si encima sumamos qué medio es y la maravillosa relación que tienen... pues eso :mrgreen:

A woman, I forget who, once asked a male friend why men felt threatened by women. He replied that they were afraid that women might laugh at them. When she asked a group of women why women felt threatened by men, they said "We're afraid they might kill us."~Stella Gibson, The Fall.

Re: Meghan Markle

Pero el tema es que ellos quieren tener relevancia pública, ser celebrities, si vas al programa de Corden y a Oprah creo que dejas claro ese punto... entonces para mi si tienen que aceptar que los tabloides existen y viven de esto, no hablo de la carta que eso para mi ya es pasarse y entiendo que los demandaran... Pero luego ellos deciden exponer sus penas para ganarse la simpatía de la gente, para que compren sus productos y ganar dinero? O salir con Corden para que vean lo cool que eres? Si estas vendiendo y comerciando con tu imagen te estás convirtiendo en celebritie por quien eres, entonces luego no llores porque no te gusta que hablen mal de ti... Igual ya es mi vena hater pero parece que solo quieren lo bueno de todo: beneficio royals pero sin estar en primera linea, celebrities pero que los tabloides no los molesten...

Re: Meghan Markle

Ya, pero en todo hay límites y el daily mail límites conoce los justos, con estos y con muchas más celebrities.
Yo lo veo parecido a la exposición de los niños, una cosa es que un famoso publique fotos de sus niños (mejor si es sin intención de ganar dinero) y que los paparazzi les sigan en la calle y les saquen fotos y los medios las publiquen. Porque tú hagas una cosa no significa que haya manga ancha para los demás de hacer lo mismo y que no debas denunciarlo, otra cosa es que te den la razón. A mí lo de la carta me pareció muy feo y por mucho que te tengas que aguantar por ser famoso, la prensa británica se ha pasado con ellos mucho, especialmente con ella y hablo de la época en la que aún eran royals, ya sé que a todos les ha caído lo suyo porque va en el cargo, como se suele decir, pero estos decidieron que no iban a aceptarlo y así están, a la gresca.

Está claro que Meghan y Harry quieren todo a su gusto y medida, es normal, ¿quién no lo querría? Otra cosa es que lo consigan, que va a ser que no. Pocas celebrities hay que tengan a todos los medios bajo control, por no decir ninguno.

A woman, I forget who, once asked a male friend why men felt threatened by women. He replied that they were afraid that women might laugh at them. When she asked a group of women why women felt threatened by men, they said "We're afraid they might kill us."~Stella Gibson, The Fall.

Re: Meghan Markle

Daily Mail es un tabloide que vende espacio en sus paginas (vease con modelos de medio pelo/gente de realities que un dia a otro empiezan a salir todos los dias o con otros muyyy famosos que quieren controlar la narrativa). Si a los Sussex les llevan dando cera desde hace años no es pq les preocupe transmitir informacion fidedigna, es pq les es economicamente rentable o pq interesa a alguien mas poderoso.

Re: Meghan Markle

Yo creo que rentable les sale, tienen mucha tirada estos dos, ya sea por fans o por haters y que por otro lado ya es un tema personal por la demanda, podrán demandar lo de la carta pero no impedir que sigan escribiendo sobre ellos... de todos modos yo creo que si ha habido una campaña contra ellos, al principio todo el mundo los quería y de repente empezaron a echar toda la mierda posible con filtraciones de palacio, algo raro hubo...

YellowSubmarine es que el Daily se pasó publicando la carta, igual que el dron sacando fotos de Archie en LA, hay cosas que no se pueden justificar... aún así yo creo que si ellos se exponen tienen que atenerse a las consecuencias, y no me refiero a la carta eh? me refiero a que mañana salga X titular que no les guste o que les salgan haters en twitter, pero ellos solo quieren las alabanzas, yo es que creo que pueden intentar controlar todo lo que quieran su imagen y lo que se dice de ellos, pero no podrán evitar que se siga hablando de ellos para bien y para mal.

Re: Meghan Markle

La carta es super privada cuando el padre habla de ella cuando son sus amigas no pasaba nada. Que demande a las amigas y a people también. Y al que escribió el libro dónde explicaba que hacia pis en los arbustos en africa.

Re: Meghan Markle

Todo el tema de la carta ha sido muy raro, pidió asesoramiento a palacio, como mínimo debía sospechar que esa carta podía acabar en la prensa y quería cubrirse las espaldas sobre lo que podía poner o no, al menos es lo que yo pienso, y que luego fueran las amigas quienes filtraran lo de la carta... como el amigo al que mandó a hablar con los escritores del libro... No se, yo creo que lo que realmente causó la demanda es que el Daily modificó la carta, pero yo creo que ella si sabía que había muchas posibilidades de que acabara en un tabloide, aún así yo creo que está mal publicar correspondencia privada porque el Daily o nosotros podemos sacar las conclusiones que queramos, al final seguía siendo una carta privada, e igual mañana al Daily le da por publicar unas fotos guarrillas de Meghan y Harry y decir que claro estaban en la nube de internet y por lo tanto ella las había puesto para que le hackearan el equipo, yo creo que las cosas no deberían funcionar así... Al final no estamos hablando de un escándalo político que un periodista destapa, estamos hablando de una carta personal que no aporta nada más allá de un buen salseo.

Re: Meghan Markle

Royal aides have hit back at the Duchess of Sussex before her television interview with Oprah Winfrey by revealing that she faced a bullying complaint from one of her closest advisers during her time at Kensington Palace.

The sources approached The Times because they felt that only a partial version had emerged of Meghan’s two years as a working member of the royal family and they wished to tell their side, concerned about how such matters are handled by the palace. The complaint claimed that she drove two personal assistants out of the household and was undermining the confidence of a third staff member.

It was submitted in October 2018 by Jason Knauf, the couple’s communications secretary at the time, seemingly in an effort to get Buckingham Palace to protect staff who he claimed were coming under pressure from the duchess. Prince Harry pleaded with Knauf not to pursue it, according to a source.

The Times was approached by sources who stated that they wanted to give their account of the turmoil within the royal household from Meghan’s arrival as Harry’s girlfriend in 2017 to the couple’s decision to stand down as working royals last year.

A spokesman for the Sussexes said they were the victims of a calculated smear campaign based on misleading and harmful misinformation. They said the duchess was “saddened by this latest attack on her character, particularly as someone who has been the target of bullying herself and is deeply committed to supporting those who have experienced pain and trauma”.

Knauf sent his email to Simon Case, then the Duke of Cambridge’s private secretary and now the cabinet secretary, after conversations with Samantha Carruthers, the head of HR. Case then forwarded it to Carruthers, who was based at Clarence House.

In his email Knauf said Carruthers “agreed with me on all counts that the situation was very serious”. He added: “I remain concerned that nothing will be done.”

Sources say they were concerned that nothing was done at the time to investigate the situation, and nothing done since to protect staff against the possibility of bullying by a member of the royal family. Aides also insist that behind the scenes they did more to welcome Meghan and help her to find a role than has been publicly acknowledged.

They believe the public should have insight into their side of the story before watching the couple’s much-publicised interview with Winfrey, due to be televised in the United States on Sunday.

The couple’s lawyers told The Times that this newspaper is “being used by Buckingham Palace to peddle a wholly false narrative” before the interview.

However, The Times understands that the palace establishment is highly concerned that the allegations have emerged.

The sources have revealed a febrile atmosphere within Kensington Palace, where Meghan and Harry lived alongside the Cambridges after their wedding until the split between the two households at the beginning of 2019. Staff would on occasion be reduced to tears; one aide, anticipating a confrontation with Meghan, told a colleague: “I can’t stop shaking.”

Two senior members of staff have claimed that they were bullied by the duchess. Another former employee told The Times they had been personally “humiliated” by her and claimed that two members of staff had been bullied.

Another aide claimed it felt “more like emotional cruelty and manipulation, which I guess could also be called bullying”.

The duchess denies bullying and her lawyers stated that one individual left after findings of misconduct. The Times was not able to corroborate that claim.

The Times can also reveal that the duchess wore earrings to a formal dinner in Fiji in 2018 that were a wedding gift from Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, who is said by US intelligence agencies to have approved the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The dinner took place three weeks after the killing.

At the time it was reported that the earrings were borrowed. The duchess does not deny this was what she said, despite being aware of their provenance.

On the same tour sources said the main reason that the duchess cut short an engagement in Fiji was because of her reservations about the organisation UN Women. It is not clear why she is said to have felt so strongly about its presence. The duchess denies the sources’ claims about the event.

Knauf wrote in his email: “I am very concerned that the Duchess was able to bully two PAs out of the household in the past year. The treatment of X* was totally unacceptable.”

He added: “The Duchess seems intent on always having someone in her sights. She is bullying Y and seeking to undermine her confidence. We have had report after report from people who have witnessed unacceptable behaviour towards Y.”

The email, which also expressed concern about the stress being experienced by Samantha Cohen, the couple’s private secretary, concluded: “I questioned if the Household policy on bullying and harassment applies to principals.”

The complaint was sent to the HR department. However, one source said: “I think the problem is, not much happened with it. It was, ‘How can we make this go away?’, rather than addressing it.”

After Harry was told about the complaint a source insists he had a meeting with Knauf in which he begged him not to pursue it. Lawyers for the duke and duchess deny that any meeting took place or that the duke would have interfered with any staff matter.

Another source claimed: “Senior people in the household, Buckingham Palace and Clarence House, knew that they had a situation where members of staff, particularly young women, were being bullied to the point of tears.

“The institution just protected Meghan constantly. All the men in grey suits who she hates have a lot to answer for, because they did absolutely nothing to protect people.”

Knauf‘s complaint never progressed. Two of the people named in his email are are said to feel that nothing has been done to investigate the bullying claim. The following month Knauf handed in his notice.

When the households split the following March he took up a job as an adviser to the Duke of Cambridge. He is now chief executive of the Cambridges’ Royal Foundation.

After a newspaper revealed that a PA had left after only six months, it is understood that the duchess became extremely concerned about the number of stories in the press about staff leaving. Her lawyers state that she did not read the press.

The tour of Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga was a difficult one for staff, sources told The Times. When the duchess wore the earrings in Fiji given by the crown prince she told aides who were preparing to brief the media about her outfit for the state dinner that they had been “borrowed” from a jeweller, a source said, an explanation that was widely reported. This was three weeks after the murder of Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

Lawyers for the duchess said she may have stated they were borrowed but did not say they were borrowed from a jeweller and denied that she had misled anyone about their provenance.

Although Case had no managerial responsibility for the staff mentioned in Knauf’s complaint, he is understood to have taken it seriously. He made sure it was sent to HR, and took a close interest in the welfare of the staff member still employed there.

The issue of staff — their treatment, and the fact that they were shared between William and Harry — became so pressing that William and Case accelerated the process of splitting the two households. “What was a long-term plan became an immediate plan,” a source said.

The spokesman for the Sussexes said in a statement: “Let’s just call this what it is — a calculated smear campaign based on misleading and harmful misinformation. We are disappointed to see this defamatory portrayal of The Duchess of Sussex given credibility by a media outlet. It’s no coincidence that distorted several-year-old accusations aimed at undermining The Duchess are being briefed to the British media shortly before she and The Duke are due to speak openly and honestly about their experience of recent years.

“In a detailed legal letter of rebuttal to The Times, we have addressed these defamatory claims in full, including spurious allegations regarding the use of gifts loaned to The Duchess by The Crown.

“The Duchess is saddened by this latest attack on her character, particularly as someone who has been the target of bullying herself and is deeply committed to supporting those who have experienced pain and trauma. She is determined to continue her work building compassion around the world and will keep striving to set an example for doing what is right and doing what is good.”

Buckingham Palace declined to comment.

*Names withheld by The Times
Wow este es el articulo entero. La dejan por el suelo. Y parece que el libro de lady C por lo que corresponde a esta parte no eran rumores.

Re: Meghan Markle

Y mientras tanto el principe Andrew sigue tan pancho con su vida, como si nada pero a esta chica la estan despellejando viva, todo son rumores, es mas yo hasta me imagino a la reina diciendo a Harry haz esto por tu tio que luego me ocupo de ti. Que malas somos las mujeres y que facil es hacernos las malas de la pelicula y como nos encanta.

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