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Re: Cotilleo general. Edición Celebrities.

Publicado: 14 Oct 2020, 17:24
por Ladylana
Armie hammer también está casado no? Yo a Lily la conozco principalmente de Downton Abbey y Cenicienta.

Re: Cotilleo general. Edición Celebrities.

Publicado: 14 Oct 2020, 17:26
por J..
Dominic West fans note he wore the same outfit while canoodling with Lily James in Rome and while defending his marriage in the UK two days later

Re: Cotilleo general. Edición Celebrities.

Publicado: 14 Oct 2020, 17:43
por LadyScarlatta
Normal incluso Lily empaca el vestido en el aéreo puerto... con esto confirmó que son busca atención :D: A él no lo conozco salvo por algunas pequeñas participaciones pero Lily siempre ha dado la impresión de hambrienta de fama.


Re: Cotilleo general. Edición Celebrities.

Publicado: 14 Oct 2020, 17:50
por Tigrilla
Ladylana escribió: 14 Oct 2020, 17:24 Armie hammer también está casado no? Yo a Lily la conozco principalmente de Downton Abbey y Cenicienta.
Estaba, estaba.

Re: Cotilleo general. Edición Celebrities.

Publicado: 14 Oct 2020, 17:53
por Miss Costello
LadyScarlatta escribió: 14 Oct 2020, 17:43 Normal incluso Lily empaca el vestido en el aéreo puerto... con esto confirmó que son busca atención :D: A él no lo conozco salvo por algunas pequeñas participaciones pero Lily siempre ha dado la impresión de hambrienta de fama.
Esto iba a comentar yo, que se le nota a la legua que se muere por ser famosa. A él no le tenía ubicado a nivel personal pero de verdad que me alucina su desfachatez en este tema.

Re: Cotilleo general. Edición Celebrities.

Publicado: 14 Oct 2020, 17:58
por Jovie
SweetestThing escribió: 14 Oct 2020, 14:58 Lily es la de mamma mia 2?
Sí, también trabajó allí. Aunque yo principalmente la ubico por la Cenicienta.

Es verdad que ella es la de Rebecca (solo me acordaba de Armie porque bueno :hide1: ) al final va a resultar que esta chica sí quiere atención a toda costa. Aunque ya puestos, para promocionar la peli hubieran salido "fotos robadas" de ella y Armie, ahora que él está separado y va saltando de una chica a otra.

Re: Cotilleo general. Edición Celebrities.

Publicado: 14 Oct 2020, 18:02
por Eiriann
Pero ¿no es una cosa como muy chunga y muy cutre para ser promoción? Yo tengo que reconocer que estoy bastante fascinada con el tema, los británicos es que en lo que respecta al cotilleo mamarracho son otra cosa. Él también mucho castillo, pero ya podía cambiarse de ropa con un poco más de alegría.

Re: Cotilleo general. Edición Celebrities.

Publicado: 14 Oct 2020, 18:06
por Ese
Ella en la primera foto está mirando al pajarito y todo por encima de el

Re: Cotilleo general. Edición Celebrities.

Publicado: 14 Oct 2020, 18:22
por trsa_weisr
Ay que va con la misma ropa :meparto: necesito más capitulos de esta historia rocambolesca...

Re: Cotilleo general. Edición Celebrities.

Publicado: 14 Oct 2020, 18:23
por YellowSubmarine
Pues yo jamás de los jamases la he visto a ella con pinta de querer llamar la atención, si no para de trabajar. Solo este año con aquel lío de Chris Evans que quedó en nada y que no se sabe muy bien qué fue y ahora esto, que es tan raro que tampoco sé muy bien qué es, pero vamos, no se me ocurriría pensar que está hambrienta de fama. ¿Fama para qué?

Re: Cotilleo general. Edición Celebrities.

Publicado: 14 Oct 2020, 18:27
por Tigrilla
Igual viajaban con una aerolínea los-cost... Por eso él lleva la misma ropa y ella tiene que sacar el vestido en el mostrador de facturación, porque se pasa del peso de la maleta :meparto: :meparto: :meparto:

Re: Cotilleo general. Edición Celebrities.

Publicado: 14 Oct 2020, 18:39
por Coco
¿Y lo de ponerse a empaquetar en pleno aeropuerto el vestido que justamente llevaba en las fotos?

Re: Cotilleo general. Edición Celebrities.

Publicado: 14 Oct 2020, 18:43
por LadyScarlatta
Lo de chris evans no me extrañaria que fue avisado a los papz por los agentes, Chris es muuy privado pero de la nada salen fotos de ellos. :D: y lo de hambrienta de fama, es una forma de decirlo, hay famosos A tipo Rooney Mara, Emma Stone, Amy Adams por ejemplo, muy privados en todo, luego hay otros A tipo Jennifer Lawrence, Kristen Stewart, Angelina Jolie y asi que aunque no quieran son reconocidos mundialmente y siempre se hablara de ellos, y luego estan los famosos hambrientos de fama tipo Blake Libely, Ryan Reinols y ahi meto a esta chica Lily James, Brie Larson, Jacob Elordi, Chaw Mendez, Timothe Chancletas que estan desesperados porque su nombre se haga escuchar y ser reconocidos ya sea en fama o premios :glam:

Re: Cotilleo general. Edición Celebrities.

Publicado: 14 Oct 2020, 18:49
por Mandarina
Pero ella estuvo mucho tiempo con Matt Smith y su relación de super discreta

Re: Cotilleo general. Edición Celebrities.

Publicado: 14 Oct 2020, 18:53
por Harpa Marx

Family man: Catherine Fitzgerald and Dominic West with their children on their wedding day in Limerick in 2010

:blink: :wirr:

Dominic West: 'My wife hasn't watched "The Affair" yet and I don't really want her to'

January 10 2016

Best known before now for playing hard-drinking Detective Jimmy McNulty in gritty drama "The Wire", Dominic West has found new fame - not to mention female attention - playing teacher Noah Solloway in "The Affair".

The 46-year-old actor hails from a large Catholic family in Sheffield. After school at Eton, he studied English Literature at Trinity College in Dublin, where he met his wife Catherine Fitzgerald. The couple split after college but later rekindled their romance and became engaged in 2007. She is the daughter of the late Desmond Fitzgerald, who was the 29th Knight of Glin.

Desmond gave Catherine away at her wedding at the family seat, Glin Castle in west Limerick, in 2010, and sadly passed away the following year. With him died the title of Knight of Glin as he had no sons to inherit it. Catherine, a landscape designer, and her sisters all live abroad and have said that the castle was too much for their mother, Olda. Last year, it was decided to put the Castle and its estate up for sale, with an asking price of €6.5m.

Dominic and Catherine live in London. They have three children, and Dominic also has a daughter from a previous relationship. In 2013, he walked to the South Pole alongside Prince Harry to raise money for charity. Last year, Dominic was nominated for a Golden Globe for best actor in a TV series for his role in "The Affair":

- A lot of the sex in The Affair is worked out in quite a detailed way by the writers. God knows what else they think about all day and night, but we seem to have done most things by now.

- It's mostly a battle between me and Ruth [Wilson] as to who's on top. I always want to be on the bottom - and the other battle is over what position we haven't done yet. I think porn is calling!

- At the start of this season I was in the writers' room and they weren't there. There was a transcript of one of their meetings talking about an episode. I thought, "Oh, that'll be interesting", so I nicked it and went and read it in the car. God, it was torture!

- I'm glad I don't have to be in that room! They talk very frankly about their own experiences and their love lives and marriages. One of the writers said, "Well, this actually happened with my husband last night" and then a few days later I was in the cinema when she walked in with her husband. I found myself looking at him in a completely new light.

- My wife hasn't watched "The Affair" yet and I don't really want her to. It's embarrassing. I don't have parents, but I've got five sisters and a brother and they haven't watched it. My sisters were saying, "Yes, we heard it's good. We heard you do certain things there and we decided not to watch it." Maybe they have watched a few but my wife wisely hasn't. I mean, it's not something I'd like to watch her doing.

- Catherine is a wonderful woman and she belongs to an amazing family. They have an amazing history and that's something I treasure very much. I find it very romantic and appealing and I hope to do whatever I can to continue that history.

- Desmond was the last Knight of Glin. The title goes back 700 or 800 years before the Brits got to Ireland. It was a very romantic family, which sadly has now reached its end in me, I suppose, and our marriage.

- Much as we love Glin Castle, and the children have loved it, we don't particularly want to go and live in it. It costs a lot and it rains a lot. It's been a lovely thing to have.

- Glin Castle is a living piece of Irish history. So, we had thought that the University of Limerick should get involved and make Glin Castle a link between art and architecture in Ireland that's absolutely steeped in culture and heritage.

- I care an awful lot about buildings. The guy who knocked down Penn Station in New York and those who ruined the City of London should be in jail.

- I am good at calligraphy. I've always been interested in it. My brother was educated by monks in Yorkshire, and I took it up when he did, in my teens.

- All my money goes on eBay. Usually useless things. I bought a toolbox with a whole range of antique tools which are absolutely useless and take up a lot of space.

- There's a lot more recognition on the street now since "The Affair". Unlike last year, when I could go around quite freely. I was in Dublin during the summer and I was taking my kids to a soccer camp and there were a lot of mothers there and they were all sort of looking at me as if to say, "We've been watching you!" It's a bit weird.

- Desmond was one of a kind, so devoted to Glin. He really inspired me and I'm very proud to be connected to such a great Irish family.

https://www.independent.ie/entertainmen ... 40945.html



Inside Glin Castle, home to Dominic West and Catherine FitzGerald



FitzGerald and West first met when they were undergraduates at Trinity College Dublin. They briefly dated, before each going their separate ways: West went on to have a daughter, Martha (now 19), from a different relationship, while FitzGerald wed the Earl of Durham. “As a student, Dominic was incredibly dynamic,” she says. “He had lots of interesting friends, spent all his time acting and was always putting on plays.”

“Catherine was the Zuleika Dobson of Trinity,” declares West. “Everyone was in love with her. I went out with her for a few weeks until she dumped me, then held a candle for the next 20 years until we found each other again.” Glin, in fact, played a role in their youthful romance. “I first came to Glin for Catherine’s 21st-birthday party – it was an awful experience because all her other boyfriends showed up as well,” he recalls.

“After we got back together, all those years later, I remember having a terrible feeling when I eventually returned, probably from my memories of youthful rejection. It was quite overwhelming; I remember fleeing up into the woods, behind the house, and just thinking, ‘Christ, I don’t belong here’. But despite the inauspicious start, I’ve been coming here with the kids pretty much every school holiday for the last decade. I now see myself as the Basil Fawlty of Limerick.”


https://www.townandcountrymag.com/uk/li ... in-castle/

Re: Cotilleo general. Edición Celebrities.

Publicado: 14 Oct 2020, 18:55
por LadyScarlatta
Mandarina escribió: 14 Oct 2020, 18:49 Pero ella estuvo mucho tiempo con Matt Smith y su relación de super discreta
Discretos ni tanto habían fotos siempre, pero como dijo Juan Sanguino, no importa cuantas oportunidades hollywood le dé, no la reconoce nadie :D: simplemente no será famosa.
Y bueo me retiro : :jiji:

Re: Cotilleo general. Edición Celebrities.

Publicado: 14 Oct 2020, 19:00
por Illinoise
Bfff, no puedo con el Sanguino, así en general.

Y realmente, es que no veo en qué beneficia esto a Lily James cuando precisamente no se ha liado con un Brad Pitt en cuanto a fama se refiere.

E igualmente, que la pezuña la ha metido él.

Re: Cotilleo general. Edición Celebrities.

Publicado: 14 Oct 2020, 19:02
por Evilqueen
Illinoise escribió: 14 Oct 2020, 19:00 Bfff, no puedo con el Sanguino, así en general.

Y realmente, es que no veo en qué beneficia esto a Lily James cuando precisamente no se ha liado con un Brad Pitt en cuanto a fama se refiere.

E igualmente, que la pezuña la ha metido él.
+1000 palabra por palabra.

Re: Cotilleo general. Edición Celebrities.

Publicado: 14 Oct 2020, 19:06
por Eiriann
Yo creo que todo empezó a torcerse con lo de casarse en Limerick, con lo feo que es.

Re: Cotilleo general. Edición Celebrities.

Publicado: 14 Oct 2020, 19:07
por YellowSubmarine
Illinoise escribió: 14 Oct 2020, 19:00 Bfff, no puedo con el Sanguino, así en general.

Y realmente, es que no veo en qué beneficia esto a Lily James cuando precisamente no se ha liado con un Brad Pitt en cuanto a fama se refiere.

E igualmente, que la pezuña la ha metido él.
Es que es así, tal cual.