Self Service Spring 2020
I came. I saw. I contoured.
Photographer: Alasdair McLellan
Re: Fran Summers
Fran Summers and her father, Keith, with Oscar, Yorkshire, England.
“We’re lucky enough to have the rolling countryside at our doorstep, so we don’t have to worry about getting fresh air and exercise. We’ve also been experimenting a lot more in the kitchen—I’ve discovered a new love for pearl barley risotto and homemade stuffing! I’m very grateful to be in a situation like this, and I’m very glad to be around my family during this scary time. As a young person in my village, I make sure I use it to help the more vulnerable, whether that means getting groceries or walking a neighbour’s dog. If this awful experience has brought anything to people, it’s an awareness of humanity and of human kindness.”
Re: Fran Summers
393Ahora que ya lo han publicado ellos supongo que no amenacen a la gente que lo publica en foros o RRSS y les hace publicidad gratis
Promos del perfume de Givenchy:
Y el vídeo está en la web, pero no en youtube de momento. ... 00128.html
Promos del perfume de Givenchy:
Y el vídeo está en la web, pero no en youtube de momento. ... 00128.html
Re: Fran Summers
396Así es Fran Summers, la supermodelo que sueña con poner un puesto de falafel ... /100367943 ... /100367943