Re: Taylor Swift
361Uy qué sorpresa que haya salido de su retiro. El vestido es de Versace, muy bonito.
De acuerdísimo contigo! Qué guapa estápuntov escribió: 21 May 2018, 08:18 Pues si! Gratisima sorpresa. Y verla vestida fuera del estilo de Reputation tambien es una sorpresa. Esta guapisima! Me encanta como fue vestida
Well, thanks. You guys, when I started writing songs when I was 12 I started writing songs because it made me feel more understood. When I was making reputation, this album, for a while there I felt really misunderstood by a lot of people. So I just want to say to the fans… thank you for continuing to show up. We just started our tour last week and the ways that you have cared about me and the ways that you’ve treated me… just thank you for making me feel understood again. I love you so much to the fans, you’re incredible. I'l see you out on the road. Thank you so much this means so much to me
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