The Strange Woman”, 1946
Re: Hedy Lamarr
324Lana Turner decía que era la mujer más guapa que había conocido pero que no sabía actuar
"Ziegfeld Girl" (1941)“…But talk about an Entrance! Hedy Lamarr holds the record for that. One Entrance she made at Ciro’s is a vision I’ll never forget. Hedy was at the height of her beauty, with thick, wavy, jet-black hair. With that stunning widow’s peak, her face was magnificent. We all looked up and there she was at the top of those stairs. She wore a cape of some kind up to her chin, and it swept down to the floor. I can’t even remember the color of the cape, because all I saw was that incredible face, that magnificent hair – and a huge diamond. The most fabulous solitaire diamond on her forehead, just at the tip of her widow’s peak. She was enough to make strong men faint. How the hell did she keep that diamond on her forehead? Was it pasted on? You couldn’t tell. Later, Sidney Guilaroff told me that he had taken jet-black wire, very fine, and woven it into Hedy’s hair. He anchored it with a little spot of glue. But that diamond was absolutely real. It was breathtaking.” - Lana Turner
Re: Hedy Lamarr
325Re: Hedy Lamarr
326Lana tenía que ser un bicho malo
A mí como actriz me parece normal, ni destaca, ni ofende.
No sé donde leí una una vez, que Greta Garbo se quedó prendada de la belleza Brooke Shields
A mí como actriz me parece normal, ni destaca, ni ofende.
No sé donde leí una una vez, que Greta Garbo se quedó prendada de la belleza Brooke Shields
Re: Hedy Lamarr
327Re: Hedy Lamarr
330Re: Hedy Lamarr
334Lo gracioso es que esta es una de sus frases más famosas: "Cualquier chica puede ser glamurosa. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es quedarte quieta y parecer estúpida"
1942 - Hedy Lamarr selling war bonds in Newark, New YerseyThough years away from getting her U.S. citizenship, Lamarr also played a public role in bolstering the war effort by traveling to 16 cities in 10 days to sell $25 million in war bonds. She also started an MGM letter-writing campaign that generated 2,144 letters to servicemen and appeared at the Hollywood Canteen, where she signed autographs for off-duty GI Joes.
Re: Hedy Lamarr
336Una pena la escasez de imágenes en color de este evento.premiere “the little princess, 1939
Re: Hedy Lamarr
340Centrándose en su espectacular belleza, contendrá cientos de fotografías personales y profesionales, muchas nunca antes publicadas, junto con cartas privadas, recuerdos, objetos efímeros, joyas patrimoniales y vestidos de la colección de su hijo. Anthony Loder.
No puede ser que haya que esperar hasta noviembre. Lo quiero yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa