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Josh O´Connor
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Celebrities que no se han retocado nada.
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Clara Galle
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Morritos antes y después 👄
Después de ver a Pilar Rubio en su hilo y los destrozos que se hacen muchas celebs e influs en los labios, abro este post para que rajemos del antes y después, ya sea para decir lo bien que les han...
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Re: Jake Gyllenhaal

Sony’s ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ Trailer: 135M Views Breaks Studio Record

The Columbia Pictures franchise starring Tom Holland as Spider-Man already held Sony’s 24-hour record (130 million views) set in January by the Far From Home teaser trailer. Third on the list? That would be the trailer launch for the previous film in the series, Spider-Man: Homecoming (116 million views). That July 2017 film went on to gross $334.2 million domestically and $880.1 million worldwide. ... 202609480/

Re: Jake Gyllenhaal

Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal) won’t be a one-and-done when he makes his big screen debut in Spider-Man: Far From Home, says producer Eric Carroll, who compares his trajectory to Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor) in Doctor Strange.

“We wanted to find our ‘in’ and similar to what we did with Mordo in Doctor Strange,” Carroll told io9.

“We wanted to give them time to have relationships so when and if we get to do something different with Mysterio, it really feels like a betrayal... and we’re hopefully setting the stage for something really spectacular and that feels really Spider-Man, which is, again, if we get to do something else with this character, then they’ve already got this really personal relationship.” ... r-strange/

Re: Jake Gyllenhaal


Did you know that Jake Gyllenhaal almost played Spider-Man back in 2004? Following the success of 2002’s Spider-Man, which starred Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker, a sequel was planned however Maguire injured his back whilst filming a separate film. As a result, negotiations arose for Gyllenhall to take on the role, but ultimately Maguire recovered in time to carry on his work as the superhero in the beloved Spider-Man 2. And now, 15 years later Gyllenhaal is making his comicbook film debut as the iconic Spider-Man villain Mysterio. In the latest issue of Empire Magazine, the star reflected on that time and had high praise for current Spidey, Tom Holland.

Jake Gyllenhaal:
I guess you could say that, when you work long enough, stories tend to come back around. There was a beautiful thing that happened here. Watching Tom Holland, I have to say that I wouldn’t have held a candle.

When asked why he decided now is the time to join the superhero world, Jake said “This was a really interesting take on the characters. I
really loved it and though, let’s have a little fun.”

Re: Jake Gyllenhaal

Mañana se emite

Annaleigh Ashford on Doing a 'Death Drop' in Her Live from Lincoln Center Concert & Making Future Plans with Jake Gyllenhal

Annaleigh Ashford is excited to share what she calls her “weird shtick” with the viewing public when the Live from Lincoln Center—Stars in Concert special airs on PBS on May 17. The Tony winner, who demurred from talking about her upcoming projects, chatted with about the “first death drop on PBS,” her affection for former Kinky Boots co-star Billy Porter and future plans with Jake Gyllenhaal.

The performer is eager for the concert to air, so she can share her range. “It's a real combo platter,” she says. “I wanted to use the special not just to sing songs, but also to tell my story. Also, we have a special surprise guest: Jake Gyllenhaal joined me for a number from Sunday in the Park with George. Everyone knows he's really, really, really good at acting. But now you're going to find out how good he is at singing. You’re welcome, America!”

Would she like to work with her Sunday in the Park co-star on again? “I would literally play the weird maid in the background of his next film. I would do anything for him,” Ashford says of Gyllenhaal. “What could we do when we're older? I like to pick things that you can do when you're really old. Like we should do The Gin Game when we're 85.” ... yllenhaal/

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