Re: Casas de celebrities
201Buah, nunca imaginé que compartiría gustos estéticos con Justin Bieber, no le puedo poner ni un pero a su casa, es de mi gusto 100%
Adam Levine lists massive Beverly Hills mansion for $47.5m... nearly one year after purchasing the spectacular property for $34 million
The Maroon 5 frontman is likely singing a happy tune as he listed his massive Beverly Hills mansion for $47.5million with Kurt Rappaport of the Westside Estate Agency. ... ymailceleb
Located in the star-studded “Oaks” section of town, the Mara-Bell property was listed for just under $2.3 million. But the couple shelled out a substantially higher $2.567 million for the premises, indicating that a bonafide bloodbath of a bidding war went down.
The unconventionally shaped street-to-street lot is completely ringed by thick hedges and tall fences for ultimate privacy, with the house invisible to passers-by. The modest 2,394 sq. f. Traditional abode dates to the 1930s and was designed by acclaimed Pasadena-based architect Garrett Van Pelt.
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