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Re: English book club - February Read: Normal People

Publicado: 28 Nov 2020, 22:41
por WideAwake
I'm in lauraginger !!!!

Shame on me for being the one in charge and completely abandoning the idea. I'm really, really sorry. :triste:

Re: English book club - February Read: Normal People

Publicado: 28 Nov 2020, 22:45
por usuario484727
Depends on the book. I'm broke :mellao:

Re: English book club - February Read: Normal People

Publicado: 28 Nov 2020, 23:45
por Pinkdemia
Yes yes yes, I'm in

Re: English book club - February Read: Normal People

Publicado: 29 Nov 2020, 08:10
por nobego82
I'm in, sure!

Re: English book club - February Read: Normal People

Publicado: 29 Nov 2020, 11:33
por noah95
I'm in too.

Re: English book club - February Read: Normal People

Publicado: 29 Nov 2020, 12:04
por karyatide
Count me in!

Re: English book club - February Read: Normal People

Publicado: 04 Dic 2020, 19:54
por Maud
Sorry for the delay, ladies. I've been out from the forum for a while but I'm in as well.

Re: English book club - February Read: Normal People

Publicado: 05 Dic 2020, 18:21
por lauraginger
Ay Maud, hola bonita :enamorado:
Te cité pensando que ya lo verías cuando volvieses, pero me alegro de verte por aquí y espero que estés bien!

WideAwake Aw noo, no worries at all, don't apologize. You already did a lot setting it all up in the first place and then life happened, so it's totally understandable that we all dropped the ball a little bit :hug:

What do you girls say if we try to follow some sort of system so that we decide on a book the week (or a few days) before the next month starts? Or maybe the very first few days of the month? That way we'd have time to buy it if we don't have it yet, and then read it and review it within a month or so too. Maybe we can start with the suggestions we already had from this year and see if we’re still interested in those? Or come up with new books, I know I still have Educated by Tara Westover on my reading list for example.

Re: English book club - February Read: Normal People

Publicado: 05 Dic 2020, 18:41
por Maud
I think that It would be better if we decide the book for the following month in the very last days of the previous month. By doing so we have some days to search for the book, both online or printed. But as you wish girls, we can come up with more ideas!

I read Educated earlier this year and I enjoyed every page of it. I'm currently reading Cilka's journey, I'm halfway there. My wishlist is empty right now so feel free to suggest books!

Re: English book club - February Read: Normal People

Publicado: 05 Dic 2020, 19:02
por Pinkdemia
Maybe a christmassy book for these days :angel1:

Re: English book club - February Read: Normal People

Publicado: 06 Dic 2020, 08:54
por Tam
babyX escribió: 05 Dic 2020, 19:02 Maybe a christmassy book for these days :angel1:
I really need something like that. In fact, I had already chosen my next book. This year has been terrible for my reading and I need “easy books”.

Re: English book club - February Read: Normal People

Publicado: 06 Dic 2020, 13:39
por karyatide
Yep, a Christmas short book would be a great idea for these final days of 2020!!

Re: English book club - February Read: Normal People

Publicado: 06 Dic 2020, 22:36
por lauraginger
Oh good idea! I'm totally in with the xmas theme. I don't have any suggestions on that right now, but I'll try to think of something...

Tam What's the book you had already chosen? :hide1:

Re: English book club - February Read: Normal People

Publicado: 08 Dic 2020, 10:52
por Tam
lauraginger escribió: 06 Dic 2020, 22:36 Oh good idea! I'm totally in with the xmas theme. I don't have any suggestions on that right now, but I'll try to think of something...

@Tam What's the book you had already chosen? :hide1:
Pues los tenía en castellano: Diciembre (no es lo mismo) sin ti de Bethsabe Reekles y Tres flores de invierno de Sarah Morgan.

Re: English book club - February Read: Normal People

Publicado: 01 Ene 2021, 18:57
por lauraginger
Tam Tomo nota para bichearlos, gracias! :guiño:

Chicas, que he estado un poco desconectada del foro estas últimas semanas y casi sin darme cuenta ya estamos a principios de mes otra vez, sorry, mea culpa. Traigo propuesta navideña para compensar, ¿qué os parece Dash & Lily's Book of Dares?

Quizás os suene un poco porque Netflix ha sacado no hace mucho una serie basada en este libro. Yo personalmente no la he visto todavía porque quería leer el libro primero (igual que me pasó con Normal People), pero al parecer ha tenido bastante tirón. Está ambientada durante esta época del año con Navidades, fin de año... Y si os va el young adult creo que tiene buena pinta. Os dejo un poco de resumen por si no sabéis de qué va:

"Lily left a red notebook full of challenges on her favorite bookstore shelf, waiting for just the right guy to come along and accept its dares. Dash, in a bad mood during the holidays, happens to be the first guy to pick up the notebook and rise to its challenges. What follows is a whirlwind romance as Dash and Lily trade dares, dreams, and desires in the notebook they pass back and forth at locations all across New York City. But can their in-person selves possibly connect as well as their notebook versions, or will their scavenger hunt end in a comic mismatch of disastrous proportions?

Y ya que estoy por aquí aprovecho para desearos... Happy new year parawers! :brinda:

Re: English book club - February Read: Normal People

Publicado: 02 Ene 2021, 15:52
por WideAwake
Happy new year!!!

Re: English book club - February Read: Normal People

Publicado: 02 Ene 2021, 18:29
por -Olimpia-
Happy new year club! For a 2021 with many English books! :brinda:

Re: English book club - February Read: Normal People

Publicado: 05 Ene 2021, 18:21
por Patsi
Can I join the club¿
One of my new year resolution is to improve my english skills, and with you ladies I’m sure it will be fun

Re: English book club - February Read: Normal People

Publicado: 05 Ene 2021, 19:38
por nobego82
Yo creo que ya libro para Navidad casi que no :roll: Podemos apuntar la sugerencia de lauraginger para dentro de once meses y así ya tenemos trabajo adelantado.

Tengo algunos libros en inglés en la recámara, creo que me voy a decidir por un clásico que aún no he leído (ni he visto la peli): The neverending story.

Pero si proponéis algo, me uno.

Re: English book club - February Read: Normal People

Publicado: 05 Ene 2021, 20:49
por SnoopyCrisprCas
In February. I'll join you. I need to stay focus 'til the end of January.