Pues ya tiene 2 proyectos con Hayley Atwell (ninguna queja, que sabemos que Hailey es de las que flanea
). Bueno, y de paso ya sabemos que proyecto está rodando en República Dominicana
Dejo dos cosas que Hayley puso:
@wellhayley Reclusive artist and sometime co-star, Jackolas Lowdenston, says his creative genius is an ‘elusive beast’ that can pounce on him at any time. He sees his job as simply being an ‘open vessel for truth-telling.’ For his latest character study, the hugely humble Mr Lowdenston was interested in exploring ‘the emotional cost of perming upon the modern alpha male.’ While researching the part, he was drawn to the works of Hilda Ogden, an inspirational figure that has informed all of his film and stage work to date. We look forward to seeing what this young whipper-snapper does next.
#profoundcontributiontothearts @j_a_lowden
Y aquí el cambio de caras que es una referencia a la obra de teatro en la que tienen que trabajar dentro de poco.