Re: Meghan Markle
3281Los salones azules, entre actos en Londres y el tour, los tiene bien amortizados
Y los negros con lacito, que eran los que llevaba ayer con el blanco.Jotaefe escribió: 25 Oct 2018, 18:04 Los salones azules, entre actos en Londres y el tour, los tiene bien amortizados
Friday, October 26: Nuku'alofa, Tonga and Sydney, Australia - The Duke and Duchess will visit the St George Building for a call on the Prime Minister S Akilisi Pohiva and members of the cabinet. From there, Their Royal Highnesses will attend an exhibition with The Princess Angelika at the Faonelua Centre. The Duke and Duchess will then travel to Tupou College. The Duke and Duchess will travel to The Royal Palace for an official farewell with The King before departing for Sydney, where they will attend the the Australian Geographic Society Awards
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