Re: Scarlett Johansson
21Está guapetona. O es que ya me he acostumbrado a verla con ese corte de pelo...
Scarlett Johansson is back on the music scene with a new single from her and Pete Yorn!
The two artists joined forced to record the upcoming EP Apart, which will be released on June 1. It makes their first collaboration since their 2009 album Break Up.
Scarlett and Pete just dropped the EP’s first single “Bad Dreams” and the official music video is streaming now exclusively on Apple Music. It was conceived by director Sophie Muller, who also snapped their press photo!
“It was great to collaborate with Scarlett again. We recorded ‘Bad Dreams’ over a couple of days in downtown L.A. at the Spring Street studio of our old friend R. Walt Vincent,” Pete said in a statement.
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