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Alice Campello
Voy a abrir un tema sólo para ella porque creo que nos va a dar salseo la separación de estos 2
Hola ! Soy nueva en este foro y este tema me ha parecido interesante. Yo quería exponeros a la actriz que me marcó en Pearl Harbour llamad Kate Beckinsale. Ultimamente sube a su feed de...
Josh O´Connor
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¿Es Penélope Cruz la belleza más sobrevalorada de la historia?
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Esther Cañadas 1 Marzo 1977 Albacete, España Horóscopo : Piscis En Alemania tenían a Claudia Schiffer, en Estados Unidos a Cindy Crawford, en...
Celebrities que no se han retocado nada.
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Clara Galle
Clara Huete Sánchez (Pamplona, Navarra; 15 de abril de 2002), conocida artísticamente como Clara Galle, es una actriz y modelo española. Es conocida por interpretar a Raquel Mendoza en la serie de...
Morritos antes y después 👄
Después de ver a Pilar Rubio en su hilo y los destrozos que se hacen muchas celebs e influs en los labios, abro este post para que rajemos del antes y después, ya sea para decir lo bien que les han...
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Re: Jake Gyllenhaal

Actor Jake Gyllenhaal chats with Emmy-winner Tara Hitchcock (Follow on IG: @taraontv) about his new animated Dreamworks film, "Spirit Untamed." Here, the actor discusses the role his nieces played in inspiring him to take on the part of Jim and the 'dad-isms' he pulled from his own father for the part. "Stay wild" is a theme of the movie, so Tara asks the star to dish on the 'wildest' thing he did as a kid growing up (Spoiler Alert: it's pretty tame). Catch "Spirit: Untamed" in theaters June 4!

Re: Jake Gyllenhaal

Nothing like a big bag of bagels and LOX! I designed a hoodie with my friends at Russ & Daughters, the proceeds from the sale of every hoodie will go to the Actors Fund’s efforts to support NYC theater workers impacted by the pandemic. It’s made from scratch in NYC from the highest quality raw material and local craftsmanship. When you wear this hoodie, you’ll be supporting three communities we care about: food, theater, and New York City. You may not know the incredible crew of people that make the theaters run. You may not know how tough the past year and a half has been for them, but I can tell you that nothing in the theater works without them. Help how you can. Buy a sweatshirt if you can, and know that you are supporting the real stars of the show! Link in bio.
(Disclaimer: Bagels were harmed in the taking of these photos)

Re: Jake Gyllenhaal

No se va a librar de las cancioncillas en la vida :looll:
Taylor Swift anuncia regrabación de "Red" y fans ponen en tendencia a su ex Jake Gyllenhaal

En el anuncio de la regrabación de "Red", Taylor Swift reveló que una de sus canciones tendrá una duración de 10 minutos y agregó el emoji de una bufanda roja. Inmediatamente los fans de la cantante volvieron tendencia a Jake Gyllenhaal. ... gyllenhaal

Re: Jake Gyllenhaal

Entrevista: ... 02b99111d2

What projects do you have coming up next?
I have a movie coming out this fall on Netflix called The Guilty that is directed by Antoine Fuqua and that my production company, Nine Stories, also produced. I have worked very hard on this film for many years and am very excited about its release. I also have another film coming out in the new year called Ambulance, directed by Michael Bay.

Re: Jake Gyllenhaal

Sería una colaboración interesante!! :popcorn:

Stephen King Reveals Role He'd Like Jake Gyllenhaal to Play ... daptation/

Author Stephen King has been telling terrifying tales for more than four decades, with a number of those stories being brought to life for movies and TV shows in the same span of time, so if his latest novel, Billy Summers, were to be adapted into live-action, King himself could see Jake Gyllenhaal playing the main role. There might not currently be any official plans to bring the narrative to life, but King pointed out that Gyllenhaal's age would make him the appropriate figure to embody his new novel's main character, with King also expressing just how big a fan he is of Gyllenhaal's work as an actor.

"Well, given his age, which is probably mid-40s, there are a lot of actors that could do that part very well," King shared with Rolling Stone. "I think maybe the most underrated actor working right now is Jake Gyllenhaal and he’d made a wonderful Billy. But we’re just blue-skying here. There are a lot of people who would be good."

Re: Jake Gyllenhaal

Hacia mucho que no sabía de él y justo estos días he visto dos pelis en las que hace de prota, Nightcrawler y Prisoners. Ambas pelis están genial y me ha gustado muchísimo su interpretación, hasta tal punto que he estado echando un ojo a su IMDB para ver mas pelis suyas. Asique ficho por aquí.

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