Un hilo, que ya han cerrado en reddit, sobre la prohibición en Mississippi al sexo masculino de competir en la categoría femenina.
La gente está diciendo que la categoría masculina suele estar abierta a todo aquel que quiera participar en ella al contrario que la femenina por obvias razones. Yo recuerdo vagamente que ha habido alguna mujer que ha querido competir contra hombres igual que creo que fue Pistorius contra hombres sin discapacidad. Al revés sería de ser bastante miserable.
Pero aún hay quien instrumentaliza al sexo femenino para intentar hacer un jaque mate.
Can trans athletes compete as their original gender?
I wonder if that's ever been recorded in terms of how successful
A pretty high-profile example of this from a few years ago is Mack Beggs, a trans male and high school wrestler from Texas.
State athletic rules in Texas only allow student athletes to compete in the division of their assigned gender/sex as listed on a birth certificate.
This rule meant that Mack Beggs had to compete in the girls division, even though he repeatedly tried to get approval from the state to compete against boys.
Mack Beggs is a 2x state champion, and went 89-0 combined in his junior and senior seasons.
This is also an example of how these rules can backfire and have unintended consequences. The rules in Texas were crafted to prevent MTF trans athletes from dominating girls sports, but the big-brains who made the rules never stopped to think about what that meant when a FTM undergoing hormone therapy was forced by the state to compete in the girls division.
Si las personas de sexo femenino se dopan, en lugar de no permitirles participar como al resto de los dopados, se les ha de permitir participar en la categoría masculina para que no puedan ganar nada y para usarlas de ejemplo que sirva al sexo masculino para destrozar el deporte femenino.
Thing is Mack Beggs was allowed to compete against men his senior year. He still came in third at state.