Yo es la primera vez que le veo
Igual que a este, otro transracial más, al igual que transexual claro
Aussie Male Who Identifies as a Black Lesbian Says “Kill All TERFs” is Equivalent to “Kill All Nazis” Continue reading Aussie Male Who Identifies as a Black Lesbian Says “Kill All TERFs” is Equivalent to “Kill All Nazis” | Women Are Human
https://www.womenarehuman.com/aussie-ma ... all-nazis/
Claire G. Coleman self-identifies as a black lesbian and a writer.
There is not a single incident on record anywhere in the world of an individual who identifies as a trans woman being physically or sexually attacked while using public toilet facilities for men.
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I have been appointed to the cultural advisory committee for not-for-profit Aboriginal Arts consultancy Agency
Se refiere a aborigen australiano porque puede que tenga un tatarabuelo nativo o puede que lo sea tanto como mujer y lesbiana