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Alice Campello
Voy a abrir un tema sólo para ella porque creo que nos va a dar salseo la separación de estos 2
Hola ! Soy nueva en este foro y este tema me ha parecido interesante. Yo quería exponeros a la actriz que me marcó en Pearl Harbour llamad Kate Beckinsale. Ultimamente sube a su feed de...
Josh O´Connor
Le abro post a este inglesito que me tiene loca :braga: Desde que lo descubrí en Los Durrell, le he seguido la pista con las babas colgando y no sólo porque el emoticono de las bragas fuera me...
¿Es Penélope Cruz la belleza más sobrevalorada de la historia?
Sin tunear es una chica vulgar de Móstoles, la han colado como sex symbol porque en USA les pareció exótica. ¿Qué opinan ustedes al respecto?
Esther Cañadas 1 Marzo 1977 Albacete, España Horóscopo : Piscis En Alemania tenían a Claudia Schiffer, en Estados Unidos a Cindy Crawford, en...
Celebrities que no se han retocado nada.
Se me ha ocurrido a raíz del hilo de los morritos, no hay muchas pero algunas hay, con retoques me refiero a cosas obvias, como ponerse labios, un foxy eyes....alguna cosa pueden llevar hecha, pero...
Clara Galle
Clara Huete Sánchez (Pamplona, Navarra; 15 de abril de 2002), conocida artísticamente como Clara Galle, es una actriz y modelo española. Es conocida por interpretar a Raquel Mendoza en la serie de...
Morritos antes y después 👄
Después de ver a Pilar Rubio en su hilo y los destrozos que se hacen muchas celebs e influs en los labios, abro este post para que rajemos del antes y después, ya sea para decir lo bien que les han...
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Re: Luke Evans

Glossy* escribió: 27 Jun 2020, 00:08 Luke Evans Joins ‘Nine Perfect Strangers’ Hulu Limited Series

Luke Evans is set to star opposite Nicole Kidman and Melissa McCarthy in Hulu’s tentpole limited series Nine Perfect Strangers, based on Big Little Lies author Liane Moriarty’s latest book, from David E. Kelley, Bruna Papandrea’s Made Up Stories, Kidman’s Blossom Films – all key auspices behind HBO’s hit Big Little Lies adaptation — and Endeavor Content. ... 202970365/
:wow: :wow: Ostras pues lo tengo en el kindle en mi lista de pendientes para leer, en cuanto acabe con el que estoy me pongo. Menudo repartazo.

Re: Luke Evans

Luke ha colgado una foto de su primer fitting como Gastón y los comentarios de Instagram no tienen desperdicio... :D: :wow:

Imagen ... uge-bulge/

Por otra parte, ha dado nuevos detalles sobre la precuela para Disney +
‘Beauty And The Beast’: Luke Evans Gives An Update On ‘Gaston’ Series

Luke Evans gives an update on his 'Gaston' 'Beauty and the Beast' prequel series.
Beauty and the Beast star Luke Evans has given an update on his upcoming Gaston series for Disney Plus.

In the film, Luke Evans played the film’s primary antagonist Gaston who, like in the original animated film, had an unhealthy obsession with the protagonist, Bell. In the end, the character attacked the Beast’s castle before apparently dying when a bridge he was on collapsed. However, it seems that the actor is not entirely done with the role.

Earlier this year, it was officially announced that a new prequel Disney Plus series revolving around Luke Evans’ Gaston was in development. Now the actor has finally given us an update on the upcoming series. While speaking to Collider, the Beauty and the Beast actor talked about how he and Josh Gad hit it off and came up with the idea for the Disney Plus series and how far along it was:

“Josh and I, even when we were working on Beauty and the Beast, I recall, as two human beings, we liked each other a lot. We made each other laugh, we respected each other’s talent, and we had a great time. Even then, we were talking about what we could do and wanting to find another project. We’ve been searching, for the last several years, projects and scripts and ideas and concepts.

In the back of our minds, we definitely had thoughts about revisiting Gaston and LeFou in a different story, obviously. So, when the idea really came to fruition and we got on board some incredible writers, and Josh, especially, had an incredible idea that, once it was born, it just flew itself. And when we pitched the idea to Disney+, they were very excited about it.

Now, we’re in fully fledged development. The second and third episodes have been written and we’ve heard some of the music by Alan Menken. We’re just so honored to have him on board, writing the music, which is extraordinary, in itself. We feel so lucky to have this talented group of people creating a story about two much loved and much hated characters, but that’s the excitement. There are a lot of questions about, where we will start? What we will tell? Who are these people? When you visit them, where will they be? So, it’s going to be a really fun experience. Me and Josh are literally vibrating with excitement to shoot it.” ... ns-gaston/

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