Bueno es que ahora en EEUU están debatiendo si votar a un pederasta o a un pederasta y no pasa nada. Además que JKR dijo exactamente lo mismo que le han obligado a reconocer ahora a Mermaids, la Chrysallis británica pero da igual, Mermaids bien, JK mal.
He visto que en twitter estaban denunciando que querían enviar a la cárcel de hombres a Nazar Gulevich y que eso sería super peligroso. Me ha parecido bastante hipócrita. La única información que veo es de verano, con exigencias todavía más hipócritas
A convicted Scam Russian transgender scared for his life in the area
https://handofmoscow.com/2020/07/28/a-c ... -the-area/
Convicted of fraud female-transgender Nazar Gulevich received 4.5 years in prison, and fears that the verdict will be fatal for her. This was reported by “Moskovsky Komsomolets”.
27 July 2020 Goulevitch sentenced. The judge ruled that Nazar was an accomplice in the crime and sentenced the Russian citizen to the deprivation of liberty. Transgender feared that to survive, he will not succeed neither in male nor in female prison.
Earlier it was reported that nazara Gulevich already refused to take in men’s and women’s prisons. First, it brought in the women’s jail No. 6, but the doctors examined the detainee, and concluded that in this prison he has no place.Then the guards took him back and drove to the men’s jail No. 3 (“Presnya”), but there after bodily examination (a mandatory procedure to record the bruises, abrasions, injury) of Gulevich refused to accept.
The first time the prisoner spent in the chamber-the chamber “sailor’s silence”, and then, it clarifies the issue, nearly two years Gulevich — in solitary confinement in a women’s prison.
No entiendo la necesidad del confinamiento solitario en la cárcel de mujeres, ni que le vuelvan a enviar a la de hombres