Doctor en Alaska (1990–1995)
A Joseph Campbell Companion: Reflections on the Art of Living - Joseph Campbell 1991
Celebrated scholar Joseph Campbell shares his intimate and inspiring reflections on the art of living in this beautifully packaged book, part of a new series to be based on his unpublished writings.
Red Wind - Raymond Chandler 1946
"There was a desert wind blowing that night. It was one of those hot dry Santa Anas that come down through the mountain passes and curl your hair and make your nerves jump and your skin itch."
Before there was Philip Marlowe, there was John Dalmas, a character very much like Marlowe. (In some later editions of this short story, the protagonist's name is actually changed to Marlowe's.) Here, he investigates a series of murders in classic hard-boiled fashion.
Guerra y paz - León Tolstói 1869
La trama se desarrolla fundamentalmente durante la invasión napoleónica de Rusia siguiendo la historia entrelazada de cuatro familias
La tempestad - William Shakespeare 1611
Próspero, duque legítimo de Milán, ha sido expulsado de su posición por su hermano y se encuentra en una isla desierta tras naufragar su buque. La obra comienza con una fuerte tormenta, desatada por Ariel (a mandato de Próspero), cuando adivina que su hermano Antonio viaja en un buque cerca de la isla en la que se encuentra. En ella, Próspero cuenta con la compañía de su hija Miranda y descansa con sus numerosos libros dedicándose al estudio y el conocimiento de la Magia.
The Owl and the Pussy Cat - Edward Lear 1871
is a nonsense poem by Edward Lear, first published during 1871 as part of his book Nonsense Songs, Stories, Botany, and Alphabets. Lear wrote the poem for a three-year-old girl, Janet Symonds, the daughter of Lear's friend poet John Addington Symonds and his wife Catherine Symonds. The term "runcible", used for the phrase "runcible spoon", was invented for the poem.
Paddle-to-the-Sea (Remando hacia el mar) - Holling C. Holling 1941
La historia empieza junto al lago Nipigon, en Canadá. El protagonista es un niño indio quien, en su ansia de aventura, crea a Paddle, una canoa con un pequeño indio a bordo tallada a partir de un pedazo de madera. La coloca sobre la nieve en lo alto de una colina con una inscripción grabada en la parte de abajo: "Por favor, devuélveme al agua, estoy remando hacia el mar".
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